姓名 朱思穎
職稱 教授兼系主任
聯絡電話 03-5715131#73320
Office_Hour 週四 08:00-10:00
授課領域 特殊教育理論基礎與實務研究、特殊幼兒親職教育研究、特殊教育現場研究、特殊教育導論、身心障礙教材教法、特殊教育實習、親師合作與家庭支援、幼兒發展、幼兒觀察
研究專長 學前特殊教育課程與教學、早期療育、實證本位與介入回應、應用行為分析、多元文化回應教學與教師效能、親師合作與家庭支持
指導學生 張季筠 / 吳欣如 / 郭乃維陳婉真 /黃莉捷蘇怡宸 / 林綉敏 / 顏侑萱 鐘惠萱 / 蔡亞娟 / 卓容安 / 趙婉玲 / 賴禹霖 / 李品諭 /彭歆庭 陳力綺 / 鄭茹謙 /

楊子慧 / 王盈文 / 呂雅晴 / 陳孟筑 / 何孟芹 / 陳禹彤 / 林筠萱

網站 https://www.youtube.com/@user-tm7qq3qx6k
網站 https://www.youtube.com/@user-tm7qq3qx6k
年度 論文名稱
2024 Kuo, N.-W., Chu, S.-Y. *, & Jhuo, R.-A. (2024). Views of female juveniles in residential placement on their resilience in education within residential institutions. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth,41(3), 295-322. DOI: 10.1080/0886571X.2023.2266371【SSCI】(*corresponding author) Online version:https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/2GZVCKFCK83UBSPC459F/full?target=10.1080/0886571X.2023.2266371
2024 Chu, S.-Y.* , & Jhuo, R.- A. (2024). Parent–professional partnership in promoting school readiness skills for children with disabilities . Early Years, 44(1), 206-223. 【SSCI】
2023 王盈文、朱思穎(2023), 學前融合情境下親師合作與幼兒社會互動之探討, 南投特教半年刊, 36, pp. 1-6
2023 Chu, S.-Y.*, Yang, T.-H., & Wang, Y.-W. (accept).Implementing culturally responsive teaching efficacy practices in inclusive preschools. Early Childhood Education Journal. 【SSCI】(*corresponding author)
2023 Chu, S.-Y.*, & Jhuo, R.-A. (2023). Family support: Implementing embedded learning opportunities within family routines. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 35, 807–833.【SSCI, Rank:Q2】
2023 Wang, L.-C.*, Liu, D., Yum, Y. N., Chung, K. K.-H., Chu, S.-Y., Tai, P. L. A., Xu, Z., Kuo, H-C., & Chang, C.-C., The relationship between auditory temporal processing, phonological processing, and reading in Hong Kongese and Taiwanese children: From kindergarten to primary school., Journal for the Study of Education and Development, vol. 46 (SSCI; Q4), pp. 592-624
2023 王盈文、朱思穎(2023)。學前融合情境下親師合作與幼兒社會互動之探討。南投特教,36,1-6。
2022 王文潔、卓容安、朱思穎*(2022)。核心反應訓練融入輔助溝通系統提升無口語特殊幼兒溝通能力之成效。特教論壇,32,1-19。(通訊作者)
2022 莊淯茵、朱思穎、孔淑萱*(2022)。對話式閱讀教學對提升融合班級中發展遲緩幼兒語言能力成效之研究。教育學報,50 (1),109-132。 【TSSCI】
2022 李品諭、朱思穎*(2022)。特殊需求幼兒同儕關係研究之文獻回顧。身心障礙研究季刊,20(1),17-31。
2022 Chu, S.-Y. (2022). Culturally responsive teaching efficacy in inclusive education at Taiwanese preschools. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 50(1), 97-114.【SSCI, IF:2.390, Q1】
2022 Jhuo, R.-A. & Chu, S.-Y. * (2022). A review of parent-implemented Early Start Denver Model for children with autism spectrum disorder. Children, 9, 285. (corresponding author) 【SSCI】
2022 Chu, S.-Y. (2022). Practicing family-centred positive behaviour support for preservice special education teachers: Early intervention professional training in Taiwan. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69(6), 1929-1945. 【SSCI, Q1, IF:1.704】
2021 朱奕丞、陳志軒、朱思穎、楊熾康(2021)。遠距早期療育介入作息本位評估系統建置與初步成效評估。2中華民國特殊教育學會年刊,53,103-129。
2021 彭歆庭、朱思穎*(2021)。丹佛早療模式語言成效探討之文獻回顧。特殊教育發展期刊,72,51-66。(通訊作者)
2021 賴禹霖、朱思穎*(2021)。特殊需求幼兒家長親職壓力及效能感之實務分享。特殊教育季刊,161,33-40。(通訊作者)
2021 鄭茹謙、朱思穎*(2021)。臺灣以家庭為中心早期療育服務之文獻回顧。身心障礙研究季刊,19(3-4),199-210。(通訊作者)
2021 卓容安、朱思穎*(2021)。遊戲與家庭本位正向行為支持增進發展遲緩幼兒社交技巧與社會互動能力之成效。幼兒教育年刊,32,1-27。(通訊作者)
2021 趙婉玲、朱思穎*(2021)。學前融合教師親師合作之實務探討。台東特教,54,32-36。(通訊作者)
2021 Chu, S.-Y.*, & Garcia, B. (2021). Collective teacher efficacy and culturally responsive teaching efficacy of in-service special education teachers in the United States. Urban Education, 56(9), 1520-1546.【SSCI, IF:4.655, Q1】(*Corresponding Author)
2021 林婉琛、朱思穎*(2021)。學前融合課程調整之教學實務探討。特殊教育季刊,160,43-52。(通訊作者)
2021 陳力綺、朱思穎*(2021)。融合情境聽障幼兒社交困境及因應策略之實務分享。特教園丁,36(3),31-38。 (通訊作者)
2020 林綉敏、朱思穎*(2020)。國小學童同儕接納與體驗學習方案應用之實務探討。特教園丁,36(2),53-60。(通訊作者)
2020 鐘惠萱、朱思穎*(2020)。罕見疾病—卓飛症候群之初探與實務分享。台東特教,52,11-15。(通訊作者)
2020 邱鈺宸、朱思穎*(2020)。學前反應性依附障礙症個案探討。桃竹區特殊教育,36,1-8。(通訊作者)
2020 卓容安、朱思穎*(2020)。替代性溝通介入提升多重障礙幼兒溝通能力成效之研究。身心障礙研究季刊,18(3-4),140-158。 (通訊作者)
2020 顏侑萱、朱思穎*(2020)。核心反應訓練增進發展遲緩幼兒社會性溝通能力之成效研究。東台灣特殊教育學報,22,67-94。(通訊作者)
2020 朱思穎、陳美惠(2020)。專業支援系統服務大腦視皮質損傷幼兒實務分享。台東特教,51,1-5。
2020 Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chung, K. K.-H., & Chu, S.-Y. (in press). Auditory Temporal Processing and knowledge of the phonological coding system in learning to read Chinese. Learning and Individual Differences. 【SSCI】
2020 Wang, L.-C.*, Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., & Chu, S.-Y., The link between auditory temporal processing and the knowledge of phonological coding system in Chinese learning. Learning and Individual Differences, Learning and Individual Differences, vol. Advanced online publication (SSCI; Q2)
2020 蔡亞娟、朱思穎*(2020)。單一嘗試教學法提升重度腦性麻痺學生詞彙能力應用之教學實務分享。特教園丁,35(4),67-74。(通訊作者)
2019 郭乃維、朱思穎(2019)。結構化教學策略對輕度智能障礙學生技能檢定學科學習之探討。台東特教,49,1-6。
2019 朱思穎、莊雅筑(2019)。家庭與遊戲本位正向行為支持提升特殊幼兒情緒管理能力。身心障礙研究,17(1),1-18。
2018 吳欣如、朱思穎*(2018)。請聽我說話-輔助溝通系統之應用。桃竹區特殊教育,32,13-19。(通訊作者)
2018 蘇怡宸、朱思穎(2018)。國小學童攻擊行為與社交技巧訓練課程分析探討。台東特教,48,7-13。
2018 張季筠、朱思穎*(2018)。火爆小子-正向行為支持融入社會技巧課程之實務分享。特教園丁,33(4),13-19。(通訊作者)
2018 Chu, S.-Y.* (2018). Family voices: Promoting foundation skills of self-determination for young children with disabilities in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 19(1), 91-101. 【SSCI】DOI:10.1007/s12564-018-9519-8(*Corresponding Author) https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs12564-018-9519-8.pdf
2018 Chu, S.-Y.* (2018). Perspectives from both sides of the parent-professional partnership: A preliminary study on Taiwan's early childhood special education services. International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education, 65(4), 355-372. 【SSCI】DOI:10.1080/1034912X.2017.1403572 (*Corresponding Author)
2018 朱思穎(2018)。職前幼兒園教師家庭本位正向行為支持專業成長培訓之研究。臺東大學教育學報,29(1),31-65。【TSSCI】
2018 Chu, S.-Y.* (2018). Perspectives from Taiwanese families: A preliminary study of promoting self-determination skills of young children with disabilities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(6), 673-681.【SSCI】(*Corresponding Author) DOI:10.1007/s10643-018-0909-7
2017 朱思穎*、朱晴瑀(2017)。探討特教教師對特殊幼兒入小一自我決策與學校生活適應之觀點。教育與多元文化研究期刊,15,1-45。(*通訊作者)
2017 葉琛、朱思穎*(2017)。臺北市學前教育教師對身心障礙幼兒教學效能感看法之研究。臺北市立大學學報,48(1),49-72。(*通訊作者)
2017 Haines, S. J., Summers, J. A.,Palmer, S. B., Stroup-Rentier, V.L., & Chu, S.-Y. (2017). Immigrant families' perceptions of fostering their preschoolers' foundational skills for self-determination. Inclusion, 5(4), 293-305. DOI: 10.1352/2326-6988-5.4.293
2016 Chen, S.-L., Tzeng, S.-J., Chu, S.-Y. *, & Chen, H.-Y. (2016). The impacts of remedial interventions on learning Chinese for low-achieving first graders. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(1), 45-55. DOI: 10.1007/s40299-015-0231-8 【SSCI】(*Corresponding Author)
2016 朱思穎(2016)。功能性溝通訓練提升低功能自閉症幼兒自發性社會溝通之個案研究。身心障礙研究,14(1),55-74。
2016 Chu, S.-Y. (2016).Family-centred applied behaviour analysis verbal behaviour intervention for young Taiwanese children with disabilities. International Journal of Early Years Education, 24(1), 80-96. DOI: 10.1080/09669760.2015.1135106 【Scopus】
2016 Chu, S.-Y.*, & Lo, Y.-L. (2016). Taiwanese families' perspectives on learning disabilities: An exploratory study in three middle schools. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 16(2), 77-88.
2016 Chu, S.-Y. (2016). Developing a scale to investigate in-service special education teacher efficacy for serving students from culturally and linguistically diverse background. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(1), 39-51.
2016 陳怡均、朱思穎*(2016)。一般幼兒對特殊需求同儕接納度之研究。特殊教育季刊,141,11-20. (*通訊作者)
2016 顏侑萱、朱思穎*(2016)。 核心反應訓練對發展遲緩幼兒溝通能力之介入成效。特殊教育發展期刊,62,39-54。 (*通訊作者)
2016 吳易蓁、朱思穎(2016)。營造友善學習環境:身心障礙生學習評量調整之觀點看法。台東特教,44,1-5。
2015 Chu, S.-Y., & Baker, S. (2015). The effects of video self-modeling on high school students with emotional and behavioral disturbances. Preventing School Failure, 59(4), 207-216.
2015 Chen, S.-L., Tzeng, S.-J., & Chu, S.-Y. * (2015). Evaluating effectiveness of two types of Chinese remedial materials for low-achieving and disadvantaged second-graders. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(1), 111-123. DOI:10.1007/s40299-013-0164-z 【SSCI】(*Corresponding Author)
2015 Chu, S.-Y. (2015).An investigation of the effectiveness of family-centred positive behaviour support of young children with disabilities.International Journal of Early Years Education, 23(2), 172-191. 【Scopus】
2015 朱思穎(2015)。家長對特殊需求幼兒自我決策能力之看法:從作息本位談起。幼兒保育學刊,12,1-15。
2015 朱晴瑀、朱思穎*(2015)。特教教師對特殊幼兒入小一自我決策與學校生活適應看法問卷量表編製之研究。身心障礙研究,13(3),170-187。(*通訊作者)
2015 陳怡均、朱思穎*(2015)。 一般幼兒對特殊需求同儕接納度之情境式圖片問卷量表編製之研究。兒童與教育研究,10,123-159. (*通訊作者)
2014 Chu, S.-Y. (2014). Perspectives of teachers and parents of Chinese-American students with disabilities about their home-school communication. Preventing School Failure, 58(4), 237-248.
2014 Chu, S.-Y.*, & Garcia, B. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching efficacy beliefs of in-service special education teachers. Remedial and Special Education, 35, 218-232.【SSCI】(*Corresponding Author)
2014 陳怡華、朱思穎*(2014)。新北市學前融和班教師集體效能感及其相關因素之研究。幼兒教育年刊,25, 113-139。(*通訊作者)
2014 朱思穎 (2014) 。核心反應訓練促進多重障礙幼兒語言能力學習成效:單一受試實驗設計研究。身心障礙研究,12(4),233-250。
2013 Chu, S.-Y. (2013). Teacher efficacy beliefs toward serving culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education: Implications of a pilot study. Education and Urban Society, 45(3), 385-410. 【SSCI】
2013 Palmer, S., Brotherson, M.J., Erwin, E. J., Maude, S.P., Stroup-Rentier, V., Wu, H-Y., Peck, N. F., Zheng, Y., Weigel, C., Chu, S.-Y., McGrath, G., & Haines, S. (2013). Building a foundation for self-determination in early childhood: An inclusive model for children with disabilities. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 33(1), 38-47. 【SSCI】
2013 楊平如、朱思穎*(2013)。角色扮演課程介入以增進自閉症幼兒社會互動能力之成效。幼兒教育年刊,24, 109-127。 (*通訊作者)
2013 連羽鈞、朱思穎* (2013) 。 國小集中式特教班教師對小一新生學校適應能力之觀點探究。特教論壇,15,49-63。(*通訊作者)
2013 陳宛渝、朱思穎* (2013) 。幼兒園及小一家長對特殊需求幼兒入國小準備能力觀點之探究。身心障礙研究,11(4),233-248。(*通訊作者)
2012 Chu, S.-Y., & Wu, H-Y. (2012). Development of effective school-family partnership for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: From special education teacher and Chinese-American parents’ perspectives. Scholarlypartnershipsedu, 6(1), 25-37.
2012 Wu, H-Y., & Chu, S.-Y. (2012). Self-determination of young children with special needs from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Preventing School Failure, 56(3), 149-156.
2012 陳韻珍、朱思穎*(2012)。醫療專業人員對特殊需求幼兒入小學普通班準備能力看法之初探性研究。幼兒教育年刊,23,69-89。(*通訊作者)
2012 朱思穎(2012). 家庭本位之正向行為支持方案對自閉症幼童拒食行為之介入成效。特殊教育學報,36,37-60。【TSSCI】)
2011 朱思穎、吳香儀(2011)。 自閉症學生轉銜服務其自我決策能力之培訓:以美國高等教育做探討。特教園丁,26,17-24。.
2011 朱思穎、Baker, S. (2011). 探討「非立即性增強」以及「打斷行為反應和重新引導」兩種策略對自閉症幼童的語言固著行為之成效。特殊教育研究學刊,36(1),109-127。【TSSCI】)
2011 Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S. (2011). Preventing disproportionate representation of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds as having a from language impairment. International Journal of Language, Society, and Culture, 32, 17-27.
2011 朱思穎、吳香儀(2011)。成功轉銜之推手:培訓特殊需求幼兒自我決策能力之理論及實務探討。國小特殊教育,52,25-37。.
2011 Chu, S.-Y. (2011). Teacher perceptions of their efficacy for special education referral of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Education, 132(1), 3-14.
2011 Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S. (2011). Assessment of English language learners with learning disabilities. The Clearing House, 84(6), 244-248.
2011 Chu, S.-Y. (2011). Perspectives in understanding the schooling and achievement of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 38(3), 201-209.
2010 Chu, S.-Y. (2010). The Influence of Perceived Collective Teacher Efficacy, and Contextual Variables on Individual Teacher Efficacy of Special Education Teachers Serving Students from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
2009 Chu, S.-Y.(2009). Implementation of supportive school programs for Immigrant students in the United States. Preventing School Failure, 53(2), 67-72.
年度 論文名稱
2024 Chu, S.-Y. (2024, March). Implementing RTI in Taiwan: Tier 1 in the Early Childhood. Paper presented at the meeting of 2024 Council for Exceptional Children, March 13-16, San Antonio, USA. (國科會補助文號: 111-2628-H-007-004-MY3),
2023 Chu, S.-Y. (2023, July). Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Taiwan: Parent-Professional Partnerships and Self-Determination in Early Intervention. Paper presented at the meeting of 2023 International Conference on Business and Social Science, July12-14, Osaka, Japan. (國科會補助文號: 111-2628-H-007-004-MY3),
2023 Chu, S.-Y. (2023, May). Embedded Learning Opportunities Within Family Routines: Implementing Best Practices in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Virtual May4-5, Chicago, IL. (國科會補助文號: 111-2628-H-007-004-MY3),
2022 Chu, S.-Y.,& Jhuo, R.-A. (2022, February). Family Matters: Parent-Professional Partnership for Promoting Transition to First Grade. Paper presented at the meeting of 37th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, February 28-March 1, Hawaii, U.S.A. (virtual conference) (科技部補助文號: 110-2627-M-008-002),
2021 朱奕丞、陳志軒、朱思穎(2021, May)。早期療育介入方案人工智慧輔助推薦系統。論文發表於2021海峽兩岸特殊教育研討會,國立臺北教育大學特殊教育學系。,
2021 Chu, S.-Y.,& Jhuo, R.-A. (2021, March). Transition Matter: Family Participation for Promoting Successful Transition for Young Children with Special Needs. Paper presented at the meeting of 36th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Hawaii, U.S.A. (virtual conference) (科技部補助文號: 109-2410-H-007-033),
2020 朱奕丞、陳志軒、魏俊華、朱思穎(2020, Dec.)。遠距早期療育介入作息本位方案智慧評估系統。論文發表於2020國際特殊教育暨原住民族特殊教育學術研討會-回到未來,國立東華大學花師教育學院。,
2020 Chu, S.-Y. (2020, Feb). Culturally Responsive Teaching Efficacy of Inclusive Teachers in Taiwan: Study on Two Preschools. Paper presented at the meeting of 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Portland, OR. (Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 108-2410-H-007-054),
2020 Chu, S.-Y.,& Hung, C.-Y. (2020, Feb). Perspectives on School Readiness and School Adjustment: Parents, Preschool Teachers, and Professionals. Paper presented at the meeting of 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Portland, OR. (Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 108-2410-H-007-054)4),
2019 Chu, S.-Y. (2019, June). Culturally Responsive Teaching Efficacy of Preschool Inclusive Teachers in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of 2019 International Society on Early Intervention, Sydney, Australia. (Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 107-2410-H-007-045).,
2019 Yen, Y.-H., & Chu, S.-Y. (2019, June). Pivotal Response Training to Improve Communication Skills in a Child with Developmental Delays. Paper presented at the meeting of 2019 International Society on Early Intervention, Sydney, Australia. (Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 107-2410-H-007-045).,
2018 Chu, S.-Y. (2018, May). Taiwanese Families' Perspectives:Promoting Foundations of Self-Determination Skills for Young Children with Special Needs. Paper presented at the meeting of 20th International Conference on Special Needs Education and Child Development, Amsterdam, The Netherlands(Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 106-2410-H-007-043).,
2018 Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., & Chu, S.-Y. (2018, October). The link between auditory temporal processing and knowledge of phonological coding system in Chinese learning. Poster presented at 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Language and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition. Taipei, Taiwan.,
2017 Chu, S.-Y. (2017, April). Families’ Perspectives on Promoting Foundations of Self-Determination Skills for Taiwanese Young Children with Special Needs. Paper presented at the meeting of 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. (Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 106-2914-I-007-005-A1),
2017 葉佳琪、朱思穎(2017年11月)。家長參與促進自閉症幼兒社會互動能力之研究:以訓練悠遊卡使用為例。論文發表於第十八屆兒童發展早期療育國際論文發表大會暨工作坊,臺中。,
2016 Chu, S.-Y. , & Chen, C.-H. (2016, May). Family-Centered Positive Behavior Support Training for Pre-Service Teacher Education Students. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International’s 42nd Annual Convention, Chicago, USA.,
2015 Chu, S.-Y. (2015, April). Working with Families: Verbal Behavior Programs for Taiwanese Children with Special Needs. Paper presented at the meeting of 2015 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, San Diego, CA.(Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 103-2410-H-143-008),
2015 陳怡均、朱思穎(2015年5月)。學前特殊需求同儕接納度及教師教學影響研究。論文發表於第一屆亞太地區融合教育國際研討會,臺北。,
2015 葉琛、朱思穎(2015年5月)。臺北市學前融和班教師之教學校能及教育品質之相關研究。論文發表於第一屆亞太地區融合教育國際研討會,臺北。,
2015 Chu, S.-Y. (2015, September). Family-Centered Positive Behavior Support Training for Students Majoring in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International’s Eighth International Conference, Kyoto, Japan.,
2015 Thommen, R., Vazquez, G., & Chu, S.-Y. (2015, September). Considerations in Cultural Diversity When Providing Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment to Individuals With Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International’s Eighth International Conference, Kyoto, Japan.,
2014 Chu, S.-Y. (2014, April). Evaluating the Effectiveness of ABA Program For Young Children With Disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of 2014 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Philadelphia, PA.,
2014 Chu, S.-Y. (2014, April). Development of Effective Parent-Professional Partnership for Young Exceptional Children in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of 2014 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Philadelphia, PA.,
2014 Chu, S.-Y. (2014, April). Response to Intervention: The Effects of Family-Centered Intervention Incorporated with Applied Behavior Analysis Verbal Behavior Approach For Young Children with Disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of 2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Travel Support Funding, Ministry of Science and Technology: 103-2914-I-143-004-A1),
2013 Chu, S.-Y., Lo, Y.-L., & Wu, H.-Y. (2013, April). Transition to Elementary Schools: Taiwanese Parent-Professional Perspectives on School Readiness. Paper presented at the meeting of 2013 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, San Antonia, TX.,
2013 Chu, S.-Y. (2013, April). Understanding Special Education Teachers’ Culturally Responsive Teaching Efficacy For Serving Diverse Learners. Paper presented at the meeting of 2013 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.,
2013 Chu, S.-Y., Lo, Y.-L., & Wu, H.-Y. (2013, April). A Two-Sided Perspective on Parent-Professional Partnership in Early Childhood Special Education Services. Paper presented at the meeting of 2013 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.,
2012 Wu, H.-Y., Chu, S.-Y., & Lee, H. (2012, April). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for Young Children With Disruptive Behaviors. Paper presented at the meeting of 2012 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Denver, CO.,
2012 Wu, H.-Y., & Chu, S.-Y. (2012, April). Promoting Self-Determination for Young Children With Disabilities From Diverse Cultures. Paper presented at the meeting of 2012 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Denver, CO.,
2012 Chu, S.-Y., Lo, Y.-L., Wu, H.-Y., & Cheng, Y.-C. (2012, April). Parental Perspectives About Learning Disabilities: Are There Any Cultural Differences? Paper presented at the meeting of 2012 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Denver, CO.,
2012 Chu, S.-Y., & Garcia, S. (2012, April). Culturally Responsive Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Toward Serving Exceptional Students from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Paper presented at the meeting of 2012 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (Travel Support Funding, National Science Council: 101-2914-I-143-001-A1),
2012 Chu, S.-Y., Wu, H.-Y., & Chen, S.-Y. (2012, April). Learning Disability in Taiwan: Cultural Implications from Family’s Perspectives. Paper presented at the meeting of 2012 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (Travel Support Funding, National Science Council: 101-2914-I-143-001-A1),
2011 Wu, H.-Y., & Chu, S.-Y. (2011, February). Promote Self-Determination for Young Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Paper presented at the meeting of 34th Southwest Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.,
2011 Chu, S.-Y. & Garcia, B. (2011, April). Teacher Efficacy of Special Education Teachers Serving Students from Diverse Backgrounds. Paper presented at the meeting of 2011 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Maryland, MD.,
2011 Chu, S.-Y. (2011, April). School-Family Partnership for Students with Disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Paper presented at the meeting of 2011 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, NA.,
2011 Chu, S.-Y., Lo, Y.-L., Wu, H.-Y., & Cheng, Y.-C. (2011, April). Families' Perspectives about Learning Disabilities in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of 27th Annual Pacific Rim Conference, Honolulu, HI.,
2011 朱思穎、吳香儀(2011年10月)。特殊幼兒家長對其子女自我決策能力看法之前導性研究。論文發表於第十一屆全國發展遲緩兒童早期療育論文發表大會,台北。,
2011 Chu, S.-Y. & Wu, H.-Y. (2011, November). Cultural Implications of Self-Determination: Perspectives from Asian Families and Professionals. Paper presented at the meeting of 2011 Teacher Education Division Conference, Council of Exceptional Children, Austin, TX.,
2011 Hong, J., Lee, H.., Wu, H.-Y.,. & Chu, S.-Y. (2011, December). Partnership Between Special Educators and Culturally Diverse Families Regarding Students’ Educational Planning. Paper presented at the meeting of 2011 The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH) Conference, Atlanta, GA.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. (2010,March). Pre-service Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy on Serving Exceptional Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 Consortium for Research in Teacher Education, Austin, TX.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. (2010, April). Perspectives of Teacher Efficacy for CLD Students in Preservice Special Education Program. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. & Garcia, B. (2010, April). Teacher Perceptions of Their Efficacy for Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. (2010, April). Development of Effective Partnership with CLD Families: From Special Education Teachers and Chinese-American Parents’ Perspectives. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. (2010, August).Culturally-Responsive Teaching Efficacy for Exceptional Diverse Learners: A Pilot Study. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 The Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Summer Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. & Garcia, B. (2010, November). Special Educators' Teaching Efficacy for Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learner. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 Teacher Education Division Conference, Council of Exceptional Children, St. Louis, MO.,
2010 Chu, S.-Y. & Garcia, B. (2010, November). Teacher Perceptions of Their Efficacy for Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Paper presented at the meeting of 2010 Teacher Education Division Conference, Council of Exceptional Children, St. Louis, MO.,
2009 Chu, S.-Y., & Kim, J. (2009, February). Development of Effective Partnership with CLD Families: From Special Education Teachers’ and Chinese-American Parents’ Perspectives. Paper presented at the meeting of 32nd Southwest Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.,
2009 Chu, S.-Y. & Garcia, B. (2009, April). Intercultural Communication Between Teachers and Chinese-American Parents of Students with Disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of 2009 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Seattle, WA.,
2009 Chu, S.-Y. & Kim, J. (2009, April). School-Family Partnership for Chinese and Korean Students with Disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of 2009 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Seattle, WA.,
2008 Chu, S.-Y. (2008, February). Implementation of Supportive School Programs for Immigrant Students in the U.S. Paper presented at the meeting of 31st Southwest Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.,
2008 Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S. (2008, June). Dynamic assessment for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Paper presented at the meeting of Texas Council for Exceptional Children 28th Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.,
2008 Chu, S.-Y., Wu, H.-P., & Wilkinson, C. (2008, October). Home Literacy Practices and Diverse Children's Educational Outcomes: A Literature Synthesis. Paper presented at the meeting of 24th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families. Minneapolis, MN.,
2008 Chu, S.-Y., Wu, H.-P., & Wilkinson, C. (2008, November). Understanding the Home Literacy Contexts of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children: A Literature Synthesis. Paper presented at the meeting of National Association for the Education of Young Children 2008 Annual International Conference. Dallas, TX.,
2007 Wilkinson, C., Bump, M., Chu, S.-Y., & Kim, W-G. (2007, June). AAC Best Practice and Research for Diverse Students: A Literature Synthesis. Paper presented at the meeting of Texas Council for Exceptional Children 27th Annual Conference. Houston, TX,
2007 Chu, S.-Y. (2007, June). Parents’ Perceptions Regarding Inclusion for Their Children with Moderate to Severe Disabilities. Paper presented at the meeting of Texas Council for Exceptional Children 27th Annual Conference. Houston, TX.,
年度 書名
2016 莊妙芬、何素華、葉瓊華、李翠玲、吳佩芳、王立志、李淑玲、何美慧、陳麗圓、陳志軒、朱思穎、陳明聰、唐榮昌(譯) (2016)。重度障礙教學(原作者: D. L. Westling, L. Fox, & E. W. Carter)。臺北: 華騰文化股份有限公司。(原著出版年:2014) . Westling, D. L., Fox, L., & Carter, E. W. (2016). Teaching students with severe disabilities. (M.-F. Chuang, S.-H. Ho, C.-H. Yeh, T.-L. Lee, P.-F. Wu, L.-C. Wang, L.-C., S.-L. Lee., M.-H. Ho, L.-Y. Chen, L.-Y., C.-H. Chen, S.-Y. Chu, M.-T. Chen, L.-T. Tang, Trans.) USA: Pearson. (Original work published 2014) (Taiwan)
2014 朱思穎、羅晏汝(2014)。腳踏實地,方能一步步完成人生夢想的藍圖。載於東大簡訊,第二期,36-37。Retrieved from http://enews.nttu.edu.tw/files/15-1041-31709,c4248-1.php
2014 朱思穎(諮詢)、敖庭綸(採訪撰文)(2014年11月)。4Q4招,做好親師溝通。育兒生活,294,126-130。
2014 姜忠信、劉瓊瑛、朱思穎(譯)(2014) .自閉症幼兒的早期療育方案(原作者: S. J. Rogers & G. Dawson)。台北:洪葉文化。(原著出版年:2010) Rogers, S. J., & Dawson, G. (2014). Early Start Denver Model for young children with Autism (Chiang, C.-H., Liu, C.-Y., & S.-Y. Chu,, Trans.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press. (Original work published 2010)
2013 林素貞、朱思穎、陳佩玉、王秋鈴、黃湘玲、蔡曉楓、葉靖雲、詹孟琦(譯) (2013)。特殊需求學生的教材教法(原作者: E. A. Polloway、J. R. Patton、L. Serna、J. W. Bailey)。台北: 華騰文化股份有限公司。(原著出版年:2012) Polloway, E. A., Patton, J. R., Serna, L., & Bailey, J. W. (2013). Strategies for teaching learners with special needs. (S.-J. Lin , S.-Y. Chu, P.-Y. Chen, C.-L. Wang, H.-L. Huang, H.-L., H.-F. Tsai, C.-Y. Yeh, &M.-C. Jhan, Trans.). New York, NY: Pearson. (Original work published 2012)
2012 朱思穎推薦序(p9-10)。新竹人智學會(譯)(2012)。植物(原作者:Charles Kovacs)。新北市:旺旺出版社。(原著出版年:2005)
2010 Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S.(2010). Dynamic assessment: An alternative approach for assessing diverse learners. Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, 5(2), 1-17.
2010 Chu, S.-Y., & Wu, Hsu-Pai (2010). Understanding literacy practices in culturally and linguistically diverse children’s homes. New Horizons for Learning. 12. Available on http://education.jhu.edu/newhorizons/
2009 Chu, S.-Y. (2009). Dissertation abstract: New Scriptwriters. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 12(1), 54-55.
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2023 偏鄉智慧早療模式建置--偏鄉智慧早療模式--數位偏鄉早期療育之智慧模式的建構與實踐(2/3) 葉士青等人 共同主持人 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 國科會
2022 介入回應模式與跨專業合作於學前特教應用之長期追蹤研究 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2022.08 ~ 2025.07 國科會(優秀年輕學者研究計畫)
2022 偏鄉智慧早療模式建置--偏鄉智慧早療模式--數位偏鄉早期療育之智慧模式的建構與實踐(1/3) 葉士青等人 共同主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 國科會
2022 「幼」求必應,「美」勞學習好「融」易— 於美勞區運用融合課程調整策略提升特殊幼兒學習成效之行動研究 賴毓仙、朱思穎 計畫主持人 2022.07 ~ 2023.02 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【111-2813-C-007-023-H】
2021 優質學前融合建構課程:以全方位設計學習基礎之職前教師訓練 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 教育部教學實踐計畫
2021 偏鄉智慧早療模式建置--數位偏鄉早期療育之智慧模式的建構與實踐 葉士青等人 共同主持人 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 科技部
2021 學前普特攜手共好: 在職教師融合教育專業成長。(教育部地方教育輔導案) 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 教育部
2021 漸入「家」境,「幼」你真好~ 家庭作息本位提升發展 遲緩幼兒社會情緒能力之研究 林韻文、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2021.07 ~ 2022.03 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【110-2813-C-007-148-H】
2020 家長參與跨專業合作模式提升幼小銜接之早期療育品 質成效行動研究 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2020.08 ~ 2022.01 科技部
2020 在職教師學前融合教育課程與教學實務之培訓(地方教育輔導案) 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2020.08 ~ 2021.07 教育部
2020 與「幼」相伴,與「家」同行 -作息本位介入提升特殊 幼兒生活技能之研究 鄭茹謙、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2020.07 ~ 2021.02 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【109-2813-C-007-086-H】
2020 Do children learn Chinese with receiving phonetic system training affect the role of auditory temporal processing to reading? – A longitudinal study L. C. Wang (PI) with K. K. H. Chung, D. Liu and S. Y. Chu 共同主持人 2020.01 ~ 2023.06 UGC General Research Fund (GRF), The Education University of Hong Kong
2019 偏鄉早療實驗計畫 葉士青等人 共同主持人 2019.09 ~ 2020.08 科技部
2019 學前在職教師之多層次教學模式專業成長(地方教育輔導案) 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2019.08 ~ 2020.07 教育部
2019 家長參與跨專業合作模式提升幼小銜接之早期療育品質行動研究 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2019.08 ~ 2020.07 科技部
2019 「助我張口,刻不容緩」-PRT融入AAC提升發展遲緩 兒溝通能力之研究 王文潔、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2019.07 ~ 2020.02 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【108-2813-C-007-090-H】
2018 學前融合教師之教師效能與文化回應教學的歷程研究II 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 科技部
2018 學前在職教師之融合教育專業知能成長(地方教育輔導案) 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 教育部
2018 「歡迎來到交友達人秀」-遊戲導入之家庭本位正向行為 支持介入提升弱勢發展遲緩幼兒社會互動能力與人際關係之相關研究 卓容安、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2018.07 ~ 2019.02 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【107-2813-C-007-032-H】
2018 How phonetic system training change the way we read Chinese? An ERP study L. C. Wang (PI) with K. K. H. Chung, D. Liu, Y. N. Yum, S. Y., Chu 共同主持人 2017.12 ~ 2019.11 Internal Research Fund from Center of Brain and Education, The Education University of Hong Kong
2017 幼兒發展調查資料庫建置計畫(第二期) 張鑑如等人 協同主持人 2017.11 ~ 2020.07 科技部補助專題研究計畫 (推動規劃補助計畫)
2017 學前特教師資生跨專業團隊合作之家庭本位介入研究 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2017.08 ~ 2017.11 清大教與學中心106延續性教學增能計畫
2017 學前融合教師之教師效能與文化回應教學的歷程研究 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 科技部
2017 當噴火龍遇上奇檬子天氣都晴了-遊戲導入之家庭本位正向行為支持介入提升學齡前發展遲緩幼兒情緒管理能力與人際關係之研究 莊雅筑、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2017.07 ~ 2018.03 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【106-2813-C-007-047-H】
2015 幼教系學生第二專長培訓歷程之成效:家庭本位正向行為支持介入之訓練(II) 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 科技部
2015 「遲語,也能振翼高飛」─核心反應訓練介入增進發展遲緩幼兒溝通能力之研究 顏侑萱、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2015.07 ~ 2016.02 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【104-2815-C-143-020-H】
2014 幼教系學生第二專長培訓歷程之成效:家庭本位正向行為支持介入之訓練(I) 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部
2014 幼兒發展調查資料庫建置計畫 張鑑如等人 共同主持人 2014.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部
2014 比手畫腳-替代性溝通介入提升無口語幼兒溝通表達能力之成效 江倪、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2014.07 ~ 2015.03 科技部大專學生研究計畫:【103-2815-C-143-007-H】
2012 介入回應在學前特殊教育之應用:建立家長、教師、與專家諮詢者合作模式促進語言行為的學習成效 朱思穎 計畫主持人 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 國科會
2012 我不是外星人-角色扮演(Cosplay)課程介入增進學齡前自閉症幼兒社會互動能力之成效 楊平如、朱思穎 專題指導教授 2012.07 ~ 2013.03 國科會大專學生研究計畫【NSC101-2815-C-143-024-H】
實驗室名稱 位置
早期發展與介入(The Early Development and Intervention Lab) https://www.sychulab.com/
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
美國 德州大學奧斯汀分校 特殊教育學系 博士 2006.08 ~ 2010.05
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立清華大學 特殊教育學系 系主任 2020.08 ~ 迄今
國立清華大學 特殊教育學系 教授 2019.02 ~ 迄今
國立清華大學 特殊教育學系 副教授 2016.11 ~ 2019.02
國立新竹教育大學 師資培育中心 實習輔導組組長 2016.02 ~ 2016.07
國立新竹教育大學 特殊教育學系 副教授 2015.08 ~ 2016.10
國立臺東大學 學生職涯中心 中心主任 2015.03 ~ 2015.07
國立臺東大學 幼兒教育學系 副教授 2014.02 ~ 2015.07
國立臺東大學 師培中心 實習輔導組組長 2012.09 ~ 2014.07
國立臺東大學 幼兒教育學系 助理教授 2011.02 ~ 2014.02
美國教育學院 兼任授課教授 2010.06 ~ 2011.01
美國德州大學奧斯汀分校 特殊教育學系 大學助教 2008.08 ~ 2010.05
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校內榮譽 2024 111年度「傑出人才發展基金」 國立清華大學
校外榮譽 2024 2024-2025 Fulbright Senior Research Award Fulbright Taiwan (Foundation for Scholarly Exchange) 學術交流基金會
校外榮譽 2023 112年度教育實習績優獎-實習指導教師典範獎 教育部
校內榮譽 2023 延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2022 延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2022 110學年度院傑出導師獎 國立清華大學竹師教育學院
校內榮譽 2022 第十四屆清華大學傑出導師獎 國立清華大學
校外榮譽 2021 第12屆早期療育棕櫚獎 臺灣兒童發展早期療育協會暨早期療育棕櫚獎評審委員會
校內榮譽 2021 110學年度院傑出教學獎 國立清華大學竹師教育學院
校內榮譽 2021 延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2020 延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2019 108學年度學院傑出教學獎 國立清華大學竹師教育學院
校外榮譽 2019 108年教育部實習指導教師優良獎 教育部
校內榮譽 2019 107學年度上、下學期教學意見系課程前30% 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2019 延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2018 106學年度上、下學期教學意見系課程前30% 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2017 延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助 國立清華大學
校內榮譽 2016 105學年度教學意見反應調查前三名 國立新竹教育大學
校外榮譽 2016 科技部105年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部
校內榮譽 2015 104學年度教學意見反應調查前三名 國立新竹教育大學
校外榮譽 2015 傑出校友獎(學術類) 臺北市立大學
校外榮譽 2013 國立臺東大學優良導師 國立臺東大學
校外榮譽 2013 國立臺東大學傑出教學獎 國立臺東大學
校外榮譽 2010 Best Dissertation Award (優良論文獎) Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children(美國特教協會師資培訓分會)