
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2022 蕭瑞玲、孟瑛如(2022)。多媒體融入音樂治療歌唱活動於提升聽力損傷幼兒語言理解能力之可行性2022年第十三屆教育創新國際學術研討會(ICEI)。台灣,清華大學。,
2022 葉佳琪、孟瑛如(2022)。透過圖像式情緒反應與突發狀況應變方式比較自閉症學生與一般學生之社會技巧差異。2022銘傳大學諮商與工商心理學系學術與實務研討會「當遠距成為健康照護的一種選擇:可能性、效益與挑戰」。台灣,銘傳大學。,
2022 葉佳琪、孟瑛如(2022)。以教學者觀點談虛擬實境課程應用於國小自閉症學生之學習成效。2022第十二屆華人心理學家學術研討會。台灣,中央研究院民族學研究所。,
2022 Wong, J., Kudla, A.M., Su, H., Munsell, E., Ezeife, N.C., Crown, D., Capraro, P., Trierweiler, R., Heinemann, A.W., Barriers and Facilitators to Employment for People with Physical Disabilities: Employee and Employer Perspectives, 2022 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
2022 Kung, S. H. (2022, February). Effects of Data-Based Individualization on reading comprehension for students with reading difficulties. Paper presented at the 6th annual conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) in Hong Kong. (Ministry of Science and Technology: 110-2410-H-007-052),
2022 Chia-Chi Yeh, Ying-Ru Meng, Yu-Chen Chan (2022, Feb. 10-12). Establish unexpected situations and teaching of social skills in virtual reality: A Case of elementary school students with autism in Taiwan. 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022, Taipei, Taiwan. http://www.ecei.asia/,
2021 鄒采蘋、李育嬋(2021)。漢堡圖示組織應用於國小學習障礙學生之寫作教學。2021第十二屆教育創新國際學術研討會,新竹:國立清華大學竹師教學院。(2021.11.27),
2021 邱敏潔(2021)。選擇性緘默症治療方法之探討。2021第十二屆教育創新國際學術研討會,新竹:國立清華大學竹師教學院。(2021.11.27),
2021 Long Seman, N. S., Isa, I. S., Ramlan, S. A., Wang, L.-C., & Maruzuki, M. I. F., Classification of handwriting impairment using CNN for potential dyslexia symptom, 11th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, Penang, Malaysia (Virtual conference)
2021 Wang, L.-C., Li, X. N., & Chung, K. K. H., Relationships between test anxiety and metacognition in Chinese young adults with and without specific learning disabilities, UNITING IDEAS IN TEACHING EXCELLENCE (UnITE) SpLD 2021 conference, Singapore, Singapore (Virtual conference)