姓名 翁嘉逊
职称 助理教授
联络电话 03-5715131#73328
Office_Hour 在校时间不定 请先email约时间
授课领域 自闭症; 特殊教育导论; 量化研究; 儿童发展; 社会技能训练; 幼儿园家庭社区; 教育研究法
研究专长 特殊需求青少年高中转衔议题; 身心障碍者职业复健; 自闭症学生之学校及社会参与; 身障人士之环境支持及服务整合; 学校及社区职能治疗; 青少年同侪支持
指导学生 林宜蓁  / 陈柏婷  / 侯欣岑

陈若瑄  / 王海德  / 陈玥桦
经验 学历: 
2019-2021   西北大学暨 Shirley Ryan AbilityLab                     博士后研究员 
2014-2019   波士顿大学 复健科学研究所职能治疗学系          Ph.D
2011-2013   台湾大学   职能治疗学系                                        M.S.
2006-2010   台湾大学   职能治疗学系                                        B.S.

2021-至今    清华大学特殊教育学系                                                 助理教授
2019-2021   西北大学暨 Shirley Ryan AbilityLab                            博士后研究员 
2013-2014   长庚大学医学影像暨放射科学系, MRI 实验室           专任研究助理  
2012-2013   财团法人台北市自闭儿社会福利基金会                     社区职能治疗师
2010-2013   台北市学校系统特殊教育相关专业人员                     职能治疗师

年度 论文名称
2024 Kudla, A., Dinelli, E.J., Capraro, P., Crown, D., Sheth, M., Trierweiler, R., Munsell, E., Wong, J., Heinemann, A.W., Person-, Job-, and Environment-Related Factors Associated with Long-Term Job Retention of People with Physical Disabilities., Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, vol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10926-024-10245-4
2024 陈柏婷、俞思宇、翁嘉逊, 系统性回顾:自闭症幼儿由早期疗育转衔至教育端之服务历程、影响因子与转衔策略之探讨, 中华心理卫生学刊
2024 Wong J., Su H., Kudla A., Munsell E.G.S., Ezeife N., Crown D., Trierweiler R., Capraro P., Tomazin S., Park M., Heinemann A.W., Facilitators and Barriers to Employment for People with Physical Disabilities: A Cross-sectional Study, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation
2024 Morris, L.L., Bines, A., Earnest, K., McCarter-Koppes, S., Smalls-Smyth, A., & Wong, J. , Enhancing Tracheostomy Care Proficiency: Evaluating the Impact of Online Interprofessional Tracheostomy Education Program., Tracheostomy, vol. 1, 1, pp. 8-17
2024 Maru, M., Millner, U. C., Wong, J., Chen J., and Wan, Y.-M., Asian American Providers’ Experiences of Working with Asian Americans diagnosed with Serious Mental Illnesses., Asian American Journal of Psychology., vol. 15, 2, pp. 146-157
2023 Su, H., Wong, J., Kudla, A., Park, M., Trierweiler, R., Capraro, P., Crown, D., Ezeife, N., Tomazin, S., Munsell, E. G. S., & Heinemann, A. W., Disability Phenotypes and Job Accommodations Utilization Among People with Physical Disability, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, vol. 33, pp. 352-361
2023 Wong, J., Pedersen, J., Tennety, N., DuBois, L., Chiu, R., Shah, D., Malecki, G., Wafford, Q. E., & Heinemann, A. W., Service-Delivery Competencies in Home and Community-Based Services Needed to Achieve Person-Centered Planning and Practices: A Systematic Review, Journal of Applied Gerontology, vol. 42, 3, pp. 493-504
2022 Munsell, E. G. S., Kudla, A., Su, H., Wong, J., Crown, D., Capraro, P., Trierweiler, R., Park, M., & Heinemann, A. W., Employers’ Perceptions of Challenges and Strategies in Hiring, Retaining, and Promoting Employees with Physical Disabilities, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
2022 Wong, J., Ezeife, N., Kudla, A., Crown, D., Trierweiler, R., Capraro, P., Tomazin, S., Su, H., Pham, T., & Heinemann, A. W., Employment Consequences of COVID‑19 for People with Disabilities and Employers, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation , vol. 32, pp. 464-472
2021 Wong, J., Kudla, A., Pham, T., Ezeife, N., Crown, D., Capraro, P., Trierweiler, R., Tomazin, S., & Heinemann, A. W., Lessons learned by rehabilitation counselors and physicians in services to COVID-19 long-haulers: A qualitative study., Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, vol. 66, 1, pp. 25-35
2021 Wong, J., Kallish, N., Crown, D., Capraro, P., Trierweiler, R., Wafford, Q.E., Tiema-Benson, L., Hassan, S., Engel, E., Tamayo, C., Heinemann, A.W., Job Accommodations, Return to Work and Job Retention of People with Physical Disabilities: A Systematic Review, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, vol. 31, pp. 474-490
2021 Wong, J., Coster, W.J., Cohn, E.S., & Orsmond, G.I., Identifying school-based factors that predict employment outcomes for transition-age youth with autism spectrum disorder., Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 51, pp. 60-74
2020 Wong, J., Cohn, E.S., Coster, W.J., & Orsmond, G.I. , "Success Doesn't Happen in a Traditional Way": Experiences of school personnel who provide employment preparation for youth with autism spectrum disorder., Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, vol. 77, 101631
2019 Newman, R., Lyons, K. D., Coster, W. J., Wong, J., Festa, K., & Ko, N. Y. , Feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of an occupation-focused cognitive self-management program for breast cancer survivors, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, vol. 82, 10, pp. 604-611
年度 论文名称
2024 Yen, L. K., Wong, J., & Chen, A., Identifying Chinese Handwriting Characteristics for Detecting Children with Autism, 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Avila, Spain
2023 林宜蓁 、翁嘉逊, 自闭症年轻成人休閒活动参与现况及影响因子之调查研究。, 2023第十四届教育创新国际学术研讨会, 新竹
2023 陈柏婷、俞思宇、翁嘉逊, 早期疗育服务由医疗端转衔至学前教育端之现况及需求探讨。, 2023第十四届教育创新国际学术研讨会, 新竹
2022 Wong, J., Kudla, A.M., Su, H., Munsell, E., Ezeife, N.C., Crown, D., Capraro, P., Trierweiler, R., Heinemann, A.W., Barriers and Facilitators to Employment for People with Physical Disabilities: Employee and Employer Perspectives, 2022 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
2021 Ezeife, N.C., Wong, J., Kudla, A.M., Crown, D., Trierweiler, R., Capraro, P., Tomazin, S., Su, H., Pham, T., Heinemann, A.W., The impact of COVID-19 on employment of people with disabilities and employers, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Virtual Annual Conference,
2021 Wong, J., Kudla, A. M., Pham, T., Ezeife, N. C., Crown, D., Capraro, P. M., Trierweiler, R. L., Heinemann, A. W., Employment Consequences of COVID-19 on “Long-Haul” Survivors, 2021 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Virtual Annual Conference, Virtual Annual Conference
2021 Ehrlich-Jones, L, Kinnett-Hopkins, D., Wong, J., McKenzie, K.A., Engel, E., & Bombardier, C.H., Use of motivational interviewing in physical/occupational therapy for inpatients with spinal cord injury., Society of Behavioral Medicine's 2021 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, Virtual Conference
2020 Wong, J., Coster, W.J., Cohn, E.S., & Orsmond, G.I., The role of school-based supports in predicting employment outcomes for young adults with autism spectrum disorder., 2020 Annual Conference of American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), Submission was accepted but the conference was canceled due to COVID-19.
2020 Wong, J., Kallish, N., Crown, D., Trierweiler, R., Capraro, P., Engel, E., Tamayo, C., & Heinemann, A.W., Job accommodations for individuals with physical disabilities: a scoping review of its types, factors, effectiveness and efficiency., 9th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Submission was accepted but the conference was canceled due to COVID-19.
2020 Engel, E., Wong, J., McKenzie, K.A., Bombardier, C.H., Kinnett-Hopkins, D., & Ehrlich-Jones, L., Motivational interviewing and participation in physical and occupational therapy for inpatients with spinal cord injury or disease. , 2020 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Virtual Annual Conference, Virtual Annual Conference
2020 Wong, J., Crown, D., Trierweiler, R., Capraro, P., Engel, E., & Heinemann, A.W., Job accommodations and job retention for individuals with physical disabilities: a systematic review., 2020 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Virtual Annual Conference, Virtual Annual Conference
2019 Wong, J., Orsmond, G.I., & Cohn, E.S., “Success doesn’t happen in a traditional way,” lessons from school personnel who provide employment preparation for youth with autism spectrum disorder., 8th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Charleston, SC.
2018 Orsmond, G.I., Cohn, E.S., Coster, W.J., Munsell, E., & Wong, J., How school personnel help transition age youth with high functioning autism spectrum disorder develop the ability to self-manage the responsibilities of adulthood. , World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress 2018, Cape Town, South Africa
2018 Wong, J., Orsmond, G.I., & Cohn, E.S., Preparing youth with autism spectrum disorder to transition to employment. , 2018 Conference of the Society for Study of Occupation: USA, Lexington, KY
2017 Wong, J. & Orsmond, G.I., Positive and negative employment experiences of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: employers’ perspectives., 6th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Boston, MA
2017 Wong, J., Orsmond, G.I., & Cohn, E.S., ”Sometimes I wish I could cut into half”: A case analysis of social roles and behaviors of an adolescent sibling and her brother with ASD., 50th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, San Antonio, TX
2016 Orsmond, G.I., Wong, J., Coster, W.J.,Cohn, E.S., Erspamer, B. & Haver, C.E., The focus of educational goals for transition-age youth receiving special education services., 49th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, San Diego, CA
2016 Wong, J., Orsmond, G.I., & Cohn, E.S., Conversations between an adolescent sibling and her brother with Autism Spectrum Disorder., 5th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Pittsburgh, PA
2015 Wong, J., Orsmond, G. I., & Cohn, E. S., Participant responses to a video-based intervention to enhance social well-being for adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. , 4th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Los Angeles, CA
2014 Wong, J., Chen, Y.-T., & Wu, C.-T., The effect of training on emotional regulation and altruistic behaviors in healthcare therapists., 21th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), Boston, MA
2013 Wong, J., Chen, Y.-P., Gau, S. S.-F., Chien, Y.-L., VanRullen, R., & Wu, C.-T., Atypical visio-temporal processing in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders revealed by the continuous wagon wheel illusion. , 13th Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL
2012 Wong, J., & Lo, J.-L., Occupation-focused intervention for Autistic children with Tourette’s syndrome., Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Wong, J., & Lo, J.-L., Using occupations to facilitate social integration for children with Autism., 5th Occupational Science Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan
年度 计画名称 参与人 职称/担任之工作 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
2025 促进身心障碍大专生转衔至就业之实习介入方案 主持人 2025.01 ~ 2027.12 国家科学及技术委员会
2024 促进智能障碍青年转衔至就业之介入方案:可行性研究 主持人 2024.01 ~ 2024.12 国家科学及技术委员会
2020 Determining the Incidence of Vestibular Dysfunction in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Admitted to Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation Co-investigator 2020.02 ~ 2021.08 Research Accelerator Program at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
2018 The Transition from School to Employment for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Principal Investigator 2018.06 ~ 2019.09 Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
2018 Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment for Persons with Physical Disabilities Post-doctoral fellow 2018.01 ~ 2023.12 National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
2017 Preparing Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Transition to Employment Principal Investigator 2017.05 ~ 2018.05 Society for the Study of Occupation: USA Student Research Grant
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
美国 波士顿大学 复健科学研究所职能治疗学系 博士 2014.09 ~ 2019.09
台湾 台湾大学 职能治疗学系 硕士 2011.09 ~ 2013.07
台湾 台湾大学 职能治疗学系 学士 2006.09 ~ 2010.08
服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
国立清华大学 特殊教育学系 助理教授 2021.08 ~ 迄今
西北大学 & Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research 博士后研究员 2019.10 ~ 2021.07
台北市教育局 学校系统特殊教育相关专业人员 职能治疗师 2010.08 ~ 2013.07
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
校内荣誉 2024 113学年度院杰出教学奖 清华大学教育学院
校内荣誉 2024 国立清华大学新进人员研究奖 国立清华大学
校内荣誉 2024 奖励新聘特殊优秀人才弹性薪资 国立清华大学
校内荣誉 2023 奖励新聘特殊优秀人才弹性薪资 国立清华大学
校内荣誉 2022 国立清华大学杰出人才发展基金- 学术研究奖励 国立清华大学
校内荣誉 2022 奖励新聘特殊优秀人才弹性薪资 国立清华大学
校内荣誉 2021 奖励新聘特殊优秀人才弹性薪资 国立清华大学
校外荣誉 2020 Sarah Baskin Research Award- Collaboration Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
校外荣誉 2017 Sixth Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars Student Award Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars
校外荣誉 2015 教育部留学生奖学金 台湾教育部