姓名 叶佳琪
班别 硕士班
就学状态 已毕业
指导教授 孟瑛如
入学年度 2017
毕业年度 2020
年度 论文名称
2020 Yeh ,Chia-Chi & Meng ,Ying-Ru (2020). Exploring the social interaction of autistic students of Elementary and Junior High School students through the teaching of social skills in virtual reality. IEEE Sponsored Indo-Taiwan International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks (ICAN 2020/02/07-15) 2020, Chiayi and Chandigarh, Taiwan and India.,
2019 叶佳琪、孟瑛如(2019)。以虚拟实境社会技巧教学探讨国中小自闭症学生在课后社会互动适应之情形。第35届科学教育学术研讨会(ICSET 12/5-6)。台湾,台北。,
2019 Yeh ,Chia-Chi & Meng ,Ying-Ru (2019). Preliminary Study on the Application of Virtual Reality Social Skills Course to Improve the Abilities of Social Skills for Elementary and Junior High School Students with High Functional Autism. The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference (CCIS-IC3),.Kyoto, Japan, September 3-6. 1190,892-901。, The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3 2019) , Kyoto,Japan
2019 叶佳琪、孟瑛如(2019)。建置虚拟实境社会技巧课程应用于提升国小高功能自闭症学生社会技巧能力之初探。2019亚洲教育改革的反思与展望(3/22-23)。国家教育研究院,台湾,台北。,
2017 叶佳琪、朱思颖(2017)。家长参与促进自闭症幼儿社会互动能力之研究:以训练悠游卡使用为例。第十八届儿童发展早期疗育「国际论文发表大会暨工作坊」。台中:国立台中教育大学。(2017,11,04)。,